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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 43 - October 28, 2021

State of Kansas

Secretary of State

Executive Appointments

Executive appointments made by the governor, and in some cases by other state officials, are filed with the secretary of state’s office. The following appointments were recently filed with the secretary of state:

House of Representatives, 29th District

Heather Meyer, 7521 W. 97th Terr., Overland Park, KS 66212.

House of Representatives, 98th District

Cyndi Howerton, 1400 E. 59th Ct. S, Wichita, KS 67216.

District Court Judge, 8th Judicial District

Hon. Keith Collett, Dickinson County District Court, 619 N. Rogers, Abilene, KS 67410.

Susan Robson, 403 E. Main St., PO Box 293, Marion, KS 66861.

District Magistrate Judge, 20th Judicial District

Andrea Cross, 703 N. Copeland St., Russell, KS 67665.

Bourbon County Clerk

Ashley Shelton, 1254 124th, Redfield, KS 66769. Succeeds Kendell Mason.

Harvey County Treasurer

Amanda Hitschmann, 413 Central Ave., Newton, KS 67114. Succeeds Emily Nichols.

Hodgeman County Treasurer

Annette Geier, 522 Douglas, Jetmore, KS 67854. Succeeds Melody Vieux.

Labette County Attorney

Mandy Johnson, PO Box 1167, Parsons, KS 67357. Succeeds Stephen Jones.

Ottawa County Clerk

Vicki Jansen, 223 S. 1st Ave., Minneapolis, KS 67467. Succeeds Mary Arganbright.

Ottawa County Sheriff

Russell Thornton, 2037 Justice Rd., Minneapolis, KS 67467. Succeeds Keith Coleman.

Thomas County Clerk

Keesa Mariman, 1790 Sewell Ave., Colby, KS 67701. Succeeds Shelly Harms.

Washington County Register of Deeds

Susan Bruna, 1872 Quivira Rd., Washington, KS 66968. Succeeds Sonya Hiltgen.

911 Coordinating Council

Ken Nelson, 1930 Constant Ave., Lawrence, KS 66047. Term expires June 30, 2024. Reappointed.

Brooks Wederski, 1065 W. 3rd St., Colby, KS 67701. Term expires June 30, 2024. Reappointed.

Accountancy, Kansas State Board of

Defries Lucky, 3711 SW Ashworth Ct., Topeka, KS66610. Term expires July 31, 2022. Succeeds Allison Koehn.

Advantage Kansas Coordinating Council

Zach Vincent, 1501 George Williams Way, Apt. H9, Lawrence, KS 66047. Succeeds Vijay Ramasamy.

Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board

Donna Hoener-Queal, 20501 S. US-281 Hwy., Pratt, KS 67124. Term expires June 30, 2024. Succeeds Danielle Johnson.

Capitol Preservation Committee

Will Lawrence, 1405 George Ct., Apt. 7, Lawrence, KS 66044. Term expires June 30, 2023. Reappointed.

Children’s Cabinet, Kansas

Renee Erickson, 26 N. Cypress Dr., Wichita, KS 67206. Term expires October 11, 2025. Succeeds Sen. Dinah Sykes

Coordinating Council on Early Childhood Development Services

Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena, 12330 W. 34th Ct. S, Wichita, KS 67227. Term expires July 31, 2025. Reappointed.

Court of Appeals Nominating Commission

Henry Menghini, 1207 E. Quincy St., Pittsburg, KS 66762. Term expires January 31, 2023. Succeeds Don Noland.

Cybersecurity Task Force

Col. David Hewlett, 427 N. Frontgate St., Wichita, KS 67206.

Doug Peters, 1001 E. Walnut St., Garden City, KS 67846.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Kansas Commission for the

Jessica Bauer, 14614 S. Roth Cir., Olathe, KS 66062. Term expires April 30, 2024. Succeeds Tina Stuchlik.

Emergency Planning and Response, Commission on

Craig Duke, 324 SE Jefferson St., Topeka, KS 66607. Term expires November 30, 2022. Succeeds Jack Taylor.

Employee Health Care Commission, Kansas State

Rebekah Gaston, 845 Missouri St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Succeeds Jose Castillo.

Anthony Hensley, 4240 SE Wisconsin Ave., Topeka, KS 66609. Succeeds Sandy Praeger.

Sandra Praeger, 3601 Quail Creek Ct., Lawrence, KS 66047. Succeeds Dr. Vermella Brown-Ghosten.

Firefighters Memorial Advisory Committee, Kansas

Aaron Freeman, 1925 SW Pembroke Ln., Topeka, KS 66604. Succeeds Dennis Phillips.

Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice

Teresa Miller, 14123 E. 24th Ct. N, Wichita, KS 67228.

High School Activities Association, Kansas State

Rev. Delvin Strecker, 2417 Blakemoore Dr., Salina, KS 67401. Term expires June 30, 2023. Reappointed.

Information Technology Executive Council

Michael Mayta, 9917 W. Westlawn Cir., Wichita, KS 67212. Term expires March 14, 2023. Reappointed.

Eric Norris, 300 SW 10th Ave., Suite 343, Topeka, KS 66612. Term expires February 27, 2023. Succeeds Alexandra Blasi.

Sec. Amber Shultz, 1029 Tennessee, Lawrence, KS 66044. Term expires February 27, 2023. Succeeds Sec. Lee Norman.

Interstate Compact for Juveniles

Hope Cooper, 714 SW Jackson St., 3rd Floor, Topeka, KS 66603. Succeeds Jeff Cowger.


Devon Teran, 4112 Adams St., Kansas City, KS 66103.

Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council

Donna Yadrich, 13605 Polfer Rd., Kansas City, KS 66109. Term expires August 10, 2024.

Pet Animal Advisory Board, Kansas

Julia Castaneda, 5730 SW Berryton Rd., Berryton, KS 66409. Term expires June 30, 2023.

Propane Education and Research Council, Kansas

Brett Fletcher, 24705 N Rd., Circleville, KS 66416. Term expires August 31, 2024. Reappointed.

Richard Mentzer, 862 130th Rd., Yates Center, KS 66783. Term expires August 31, 2024. Reappointed.

Julie Persinger, 11671 Road D, Liberal, KS 67901. Term expires September 1, 2024. Reappointed.

David Shriver, 19592 W. 121st Ct., Olathe, KS 66061. Term expires August 31, 2022.

Brian Waggoner, 110 Spruce Dr., Bendena, KS 66008. Term expires August 31, 2024. Reappointed.

State Use Law Committee

Shelby Fry, 7248 SW Docking Rd., Auburn, KS 66402. Term expires June 30, 2023. Reappointed.

Scott Schwab
Secretary of State

Doc. No. 049520